Friday, April 25, 2014

AEA Elections - Who gives a crap?

In 2012 there was an important national election for the office of President of the United States.  As it was important to participate, I showed up at my local polling place, pulled back the curtain and started turning levers.  There was more on the ballot than just the office of President.  There were city councilmen.  There were ballot initiatives.  And there were judges up for election.


I had done research about all the candidates, except for the judges. I know that who we have on the bench, making decisions in our courts was vital to our democracy but for the most part, I closed my eyes and picked the first lever I touched.

How do you decide who to vote for in Actors' Equity Council elections?  Do you end up just not voting?

Most Equity members know how important it is to have a Council who represents their best interests.  There are those who dig assiduously into the backgrounds of AEA candidates.  They attend membership meetings.  Some contact the candidates directly. When casting ballots, their choices are well-considered.

Most of us, if we do vote at all, use criteria such as the likeability of a candidate. Perhaps we have seen candidate "A" in a play and she was wonderful.  Perhaps Candidate "F" submitted a really good-looking photo to Equity News.  If you use either criterion, you cannot really be blamed.  Our election procedures are not such as encourage much engagement by members.  That said, member apathy is a fact.  Most of us do not even want to think about the union and its dealings in our day-to-day lives.  We just want to work and are happy that our contract provisions are in place.

What type of person runs for a Council seat?

Not anyone who wants a cushy job, that's for sure.  Many do not know that Equity Council members do not receive a salary.  There are over 80 Councillors: 8 officers; 75 Councillors-at-large and 9 Councillors Emereti (retired Councillors who can not vote).  There is a meeting every month, averaging about 4 hours in length.  In addition, every Councillor serves on the board of his or her Region. That's an additional monthly meeting. Special meetings pop up from time to time.  Most Councillors serve on several committees and often chair many of these.  This represents additional hours in a given week. Often, being on Council is a full-time, unpaid job. So I can tell you that any one who chooses to serve doesn't do it just for the nakhes.  I have respect for anyone who does this work, whether I agree with them or not.

I'll tell you what I get out of it. Perhaps you have heard the phrase, "do well by doing good." I am trying to make my life as an actor better by improving the industry as a whole. This is work that I enjoy.  Why?  First, I have known many of the serving Councillors for several years.  We work together well.  They are wicked smart, as Bostonians say.  I have always enjoyed being in a great ensemble in a show. It's about the collaboration. Union service, for me anyway, is a facility which feeds on itself.  What I mean by this is the more I learn about how things work, the more I want to make them work.  I do a lot of research at law libraries, on-line and with labor attorneys and officials. I suppose I might be termed a "labor geek."

I have some pet projects:

  • Public Policy is a large interest of mine.  Lobbying elected leaders for arts funding; tax reform for artists; marriage equality; unemployment reform - these are all things that I have gotten enormous satisfaction out of working on, even though the progress can be glacially slow. I was so glad when AEA got its own AFL-CIO charter. As much as our funds and staff can afford, without displacing our contract negotiation and enforcement capability, we must work with big labor to make things better for everyone. (The better people do, the more they are willing and can afford to see theatre)

  • Election procedures.  This is the genesis of this particular blog post. Our elections do not engage the Membership.  Part of this is Equity's fault.  Some of this is due to the draconian and counter-productive anti-union labor laws. This relates back to public policy, above.  The other side of this equation is member apathy.  One of the benefits of the current touring controversies is that more of us care about who is in the room when we negotiate our contracts.  I hope that this energy increases.  I am positive at the moment that it will.  I hope we all keep the pressure on our fellows to get involved.
  • Membership Education. An educated and informed membership is our most valuable tool in maintaining a strong union and achieving our goals.  If you are an AEA member and are reading this, count yourself as part of the solution.  Thank you. I would love to have a permanent institution in our union.  Similar to the AFTRA-SAG Conservatory.  Call it Equity University.  In addition to free workshops and classes to improve our performing skills, many of us need business training and need to learn about how the union works.  This will take some major money.  We have an under-used and under-funded Actors' Equity Foundation. This is an organization separate from the union and not in any way funded by union dues that could be used to bring this about.  Right now, we have periodic seminars and workshops that spring up when we can cobble them together.  I have taught a few. We could use more.
  • Access to work. Equity Principal Audition and Equity Chorus Calls (EPA/ECCs) Agent Access Auditions (AAAs) are all programs that people are getting real work from. The former has grown in value due to vigorous contract enforcement. The latter is a result of our quite good relations with talent agents that we have nurtured over many years.  Organizing new work is vital.  There are two methods: top down and bottom up. Our preferred method is top down - we bargain with an employer who agrees to engage in collective bargaining with Equity.  Bottom up - organizing stage managers and actors to unionize is often not practical. By the time a vote to unionize is taken the show either closes or is abandoned by the producer.  But one form of bottom up organizing we can do is to go to areas where there is a non-union acting community and teach the value of Equity work and offer support. We will never be rid of non-union theatre, and indeed there is a place for it, but we can make Equity work the thing to aspire to.

It is vital to make ourselves available to the Membership.  This is why I have this blog.  This is why I make my email address available to any AEA member who wants it.  Questions? Comments?  Hit me back.

Friday, April 18, 2014

AEA Council Man On The Street Video

The ACTogether people who sponsored the Meet The Candidates event at the Players Club in NYC last week, made this man-on-the-street video, which is quite fun and in which you can see some of the candidates (including me) in action, rather than just our black and white still photos in Equity News. (NB: To the Snark Factory - no bad hair day jokes, OK?)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I Saw Your Brassiere on Facebook

Jimmy Ludwig and I and an occasional column in Equity News called Ask The Geeks
Here's one from April of 2009.  We are all wending our way through the morass that is or digital world.  Theatre people have special considerations not only due to the public nature of our work, but our untraditional work places.

Equity’s Committee on New Media and New Technology (lovingly named The Geek Committee) cares about issues concerning our Members and New Media.  (And there are tons of issues) So to help clear up some confusion, welcome to another edition of: Ask The Geeks
Ask The Geeks
Q.   Last week, on my birthday, a bunch of people burst in to the dressing room and videoed me in my bra.  I posted it on my Facebook page.  I think it’s hysterical, but my dressing roommate went postal because part of her arm and the back of her head are in it.  You can’t even tell it’s her but now she’s really cold toward me.  Am I right or is she having a cow for no good reason?
A.    No, the cow is well deserved.  If this were at your house, your only crime would be insensitivity.  The problem here is that you were at work.  Delete the video.

Q.   I’m building a website.  I found a pirated clip from my show on YouTube.  I want to lift a clip (just me singing and nobody else in frame) and put it up on my site.  Problem?  After all – it’s my image and I didn’t pirate it.
A.    But you don’t own the show in which your image appears – the producer does.  If you use ANY of that footage, you are as legally vulnerable as whoever pirated it in the first place.

Q.   I’m really pissed-off!  One night we had to stop the show and improv some dialogue until our set started working again.  Somebody in the audience recorded the whole thing and now it’s all over the internet!  A friend told me there was nothing I could do because it was news and therefore “fair use.”  (The incident made all the newspapers the next day) Is that right?
A.    The Doctrine of Fair Use is an exception to copyright laws.  This is major lawyer territory but basically, the copyright law says that fair use of a copyrighted work without permission can occur if it is used as (1) criticism and comment, (2) parody and satire, (3) scholarship and research, (4) news reporting and (5) teaching.
That said, what the audience member did was to steal your image.  Period.  If it was during a performance, he not only stole your image, but the property of your show’s producer too.  Catching the thief is the hard part, but if you can, you may be due damages.  Equity has been successful at having such footage removed.

Q.   In trying to promote myself, some friends and me have made an online webisode.  We’ve had a lot of hits.  We’re not making any money and I’m giving every cast member a copy.  No harm – right?
A.    Depends.  Do you or any of the other cast members belong to either AFTRA or SAG [SAG-AFTRA]?  If you are, did you get the proper paper work?  You could be in violation if you didn’t.  So much trouble can often be avoided with a single phone call.

That’s all for this month’s edition of ASK THE GEEKS!
Remember: Your image has value.
Your image (this includes your voice, photo and any other reproducible part of you) is yours to sell or give away as you please.  But it gets complicated anytime other people are involved.
The media landscape changes literally every day.  Wrapping ones mind around the concepts of New Media can cause crossed eyes.  Equity is there to help.  That’s one of the things you pay dues for.  Producers have deeper pockets and better access to lawyers than most actors do.  If you’re not sure about an issues dealing with New Media, call Equity or email*  Your union wants to protect you – not punish you.
Under Equity’s collective bargaining agreements, the ways in which a producer may exploit your image are laid out very clearly. † There are penalties for the use of your image outside of the parameters of your contract.
Under federal law 18 U.S.C. 2319A, it’s a felony to “transmit, distribute or offer to distribute” sound or video to anybody anywhere (including posting them on social networking sites) without the consent of the performer(s) involved.
Here are some rules of thumb:
·      Yours is the only image you have the right to promote, but…
·      Just because it’s your image doesn’t guarantee that you have that right.
·      If you tape (film/photograph) it – make sure you have the right to do so.
·      If you don’t have the right to film it – don’t.
·      If you didn’t film it yourself – you probably don’t own it.
Tune in down the road for more pertinent info.  Until then, stay in touch at*

* updated email:
† this was written before many of the Media packages which are now standards in many of our contracts.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

My candidate speech at the 2014 Actors' Equity National Membership Meeting

As per its by-laws, Equity allows each candidate running for Council two minutes to speak to the membership.  For all the issues that stage managers and actors are concerned with, this is a paltry amount of time; barely a how-do-you-do.  It's more like a candidate EPA.  

We were in the Gramercy room at the New York Hilton on Friday, April 11.  A large turnout was expected.  Though there were seats for a few hundred, there were, by my estimation about 150 in attendance. This was disappointing as the Town Hall meeting in January was at overflow capacity.  I am hoping that this does not mean that the fire that was in so many people's bellies has not gone out.  Anyway, here is what I said:

"Greetings, Brothers and Sisters. When a candidate gets up here and says something like “we are the union;” “together we are strong,” it can sound like empty, flowery poetry - just something one says to get elected.  When I say it, it is a strategy.  The great thing about the current swirling storm of fecal matter over tiered tours is that we have invigorated the membership.  We spoke and we were heard.  Thank you, brothers and sisters. And stay vocal.

Annually, there are more young people graduating from theatre programs around the country than ever and they are far better trained than I was at their age, but the number of jobs has not increased.   So, part of our mission, as the leading light to keep the theatre ever professional, is to make not just working, but working Equity, the thing to aspire to.  I never want to hear a young professional actor say, ‘I wonder if it’s too soon to take my Equity card.’ Non-union theatre proliferates because actors don’t realize they have the power to demand more. That’s what unions are all about. Outreach, Education and Organizing are passions that keep me coming back to this particular well.  I am a working actor and I have skin in this game.

I have several years of service to this union behind me.  I have served on Council before and a sit on more committees than I can count.  It is work I do proudly and well.  I would be honored to work for you.  And I’m always reachable.  Two minutes is not enough time to give the whole picture, so: my website is; you can "like" me on Facebook at Buzz Roddy For Equity Council and my email is  Thank you, Brothers and Sisters."

Ballots go out Monday April 14 and are due back on May 18.  Please vote.  Thank you.