Friday, April 10, 2015

My speech at the 2015 National Membership Meeting

Brothers and sisters, no one got into this business because they wanted to join a labor union. But I am so grateful that I am a member of this Association. I make my living as a professional actor. If you didn't already know it, unions are under attack. I'm not just talking about teachers and autoworkers. It was famously over heard by one of our bargaining partners during a contract negotiation that shall not be named, "Do you hear actors are buying houses now!?" I am running to keep us vital and relevant and increase our strength. Obviously we always have at hand the task to negotiate better contracts. And we have to strongly enforce those contracts. But my biggest goal on Council will be to strengthen from within; to get these 50,000 freelance actors and stage managers to think of Equity as "us" rather than "them." Only then will we strut the theatre landscape with Local 17 Teamster-like fear and respect. How? Education certainly. That's what we do in the Member Education committee. But Council can engage us better. Some things said in Council are confidential, but much is not. Just like the US Government publishes the Congressional Record, so can we publish reports on Council dealings, and by the way - publish Council meeting dates so it's easier for members to observe, as is their right.

Me and the other 21 candidates in my category are vying for 8 seats. If you don't know us, all you have to go on is our EPA-like, two-minute speech and 250 words in Equity News telling you that we're anti-cancer. All of us are heartfelt in our wish to improve the conditions of Equity members. I would be a vote well-cast. I have experience, and I don't mind publicly fighting for our rights. I show up and do the work. Want in-depth?. or email me at

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